Grading Results

Congratulations to all students who graded in July. We had a 100% pass rate & 3 Double grades! Special congratulations to Suki Kilby, Alex Albrecht and Michael Francis!


9th KYU

Aydin Omair Mohammed

Leigh Kilby

Eva Koukidis

Carla Selman

8th KYU

Suki Kilby (Double Grade)

Gabrielle Pinnock

Maja Rowoski

7th KYU

Finn Brown

6th KYU

Mohammed Rayyan Shah

Duy-Anh Doan

Jan Wiehler

5th KYU

Alex Albrecht (Double Grade)

Michael Francis (Double Grade)

Caitlyn Brennan

Viktor Tarnowski

4th KYU

Renee Marquis

3rd KYU

Toby Mills

Tom Mills

Charlie Gannon

Steve Durkin